Hair Care
1.Wash and Condition hair usng the Argan Oil of Morrocco by Organix.
2. Deep Condition using Argan Oil Morrocco conditioner and Proclaim Intense Hydrating Masque.
3. Deep Condition every two weeks
4. Seal wefts with weft sealer (Not Mandatory)
5. Do not punch holes through the wefts during installation, this leads to shedding.
6. Keep Use of curling, flat irons and other excessive use of heating appliances to a minimum. The more heat you use on virgin hir the shorter the lifespan. As with your own natural hair, heat causes breakage and shedding.
7. Heating appliances are not always neccessary. You can use flexi rods and other rollers.
8. If using heat apply a heat protectant to the hair it will help block the high temperature and prevent hair breakage.
9. Wear a satin scarf over your hair at night. A satin scarf will keep your hair from drying out and breaking during sleep.
10. Use dime size of Argan Oil as needed for shine.